Frequently Asked Questions

Here you’ll find the most common questions. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please contact our support at: .

Football & Commercialization

What solutions does CrowdTransfer offer?

What can I co-finance?

How does the financing process work?

Who determines the rewards, and what rewards are available?

How do I receive my Social Perks?

When will I receive my payouts?

How long does the funding last before I receive repayment?

What are the benefits for clubs?

What are the benefits for fans?

How does CrowdTransfer make money?

What happens to my financial contributions if CrowdTransfer goes bankrupt?

What do the minimum and maximum funding amounts mean?

What happens if the club does not accept the funding?

Can I cancel a funding?

Why do I need a wallet?

What additional risks arise from using cryptocurrencies?

How can I transfer money to my wallet?

How can I transfer money from my wallet to my bank account?